
Novoryazanskoye w, 40th km


The subject of sale is a suburban residence with an area of ​​2.4 hectares, most of which (2G) occupies a coniferous forest, which is part of a common forest. The residence is located in the Ramensky district near G. Ramenskoye. The distance from the Moscow Ring Road is 40 km, from Ramensky 8 km. Land can be used for further IZHS. The sales volume includes 6 main objects of the residence: the main and guest house, the pool, the household, the house of the manager, the far garages (the total total area of ​​these objects is 1598.0 kV. m.) equipped with fully automated engineering systems that support the full life of the residence. And also furniture, carpets, paintings. The subject of sales, including: sets, tableware, glass, a collection of wines, part of the library (with the exception of the presented books), household items and luxury (hours, figurines, etc. D.), audio, video equipment, sports equipment, all economic equipment, in the amount of 2565 items. As well as machines and mechanisms for servicing the residence. The object is legally ready for sale. Assessment of an independent expert organization 12.000.000 $. The price of the object is 6.500.000 $. In addition to its own advantages, the object is also attractive as an investment subject.

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