Is it profitable to buy your own house in Germany

Germany is a country with a prosperous economy, here the fundamental principles are the traditions of the nation and the law of the country. It was these specific characteristics that led to a reliable and sustainable real estate market. Real estate is a great opportunity for investing funds.

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is very easy to buy a house in Germany, the purchase procedure is as simple as possible, it does not require any special conditions for the transaction. In addition, some misunderstandings, errors are practically excluded here, fraudulent operations are almost impossible.

After choosing a house and making a decision on making a purchase, it is necessary to draw up a contract, a standard contract of sale, it must necessarily indicate all the conditions of the transaction, the form of payment, the possibility of providing installments and other nuances.

The contract is signed in the presence of a state notary, which allows you to protect both sides of the transaction. The notary in the future opens a bank account, from which the property will be paid. In addition, the specialist checks the building for the presence of debts, the possibility of his pledge, checks all the related documentation. After the commission of all these simple manipulations, as well as after making the entire amount of the value of the object, you can consider yourself a full owner of the house in Germany.

Next, the procedure for renewing all documentation, entering the object in the registration book of property. By the way, the buyer will still have to pay a one -time tax on the purchased property, which is 3.5 percent of the total transaction amount.

Acquired real estate can be used for various purposes, including for personal residence, residence of children who study in the country, rent an object or use as an investment tool and plan further sale.

Real estate in the country also allows us to count on a loan, which will be no more than 60% of the cost of the house.

It is worth noting separately that one -time tax is removed only from the amount of the value of the object. So, for example, when buying a house, it will be necessary to pay both for the building and for the land plot.

There was no decrease in prices in the country’s real estate market (primary and secondary), the cost per square meter is kept at the same level, periodic ascents are observed.

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