How to correctly design a ventilation system

Nowadays, few people think about the problem of housing ventilation. Although, thinking about human nature and the search for “tablets of longevity”, peptides in cosmetology were thoroughly studied. Now with peptides can be more efficient to fight against old age.

Many are sure that you just have to open the window – and complete order. However, this is not the case. It should be noted that ventilation is still a responsible process, which is necessary with all seriousness. In the best case, developers are interested in it after the room was built, and for some reason it is uncomfortable (damp, stuffy, difficult to breathe). Of course, ventilation largely determines the comfort of the home, but do not equally forget about energy conservation, environmental safety, the preservation of your health.

Designing ventilation systems is by no means an easy task. As noted above, its solution is closely intertwined with many factors: vapor barrier and thermal insulation of walls, ecology and the comfort of the premises. To develop a decent at home ventilation system, it is necessary, first of all, to figure out what it should be ideally.

Designing ventilation systems is a complex process that requires a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in this field of services from the contractor. Only experienced masters of their business should trust such work. Our company for many years of practice has accumulated impressive experience in designing ventilation systems. Do not be upset if you do not have a ventilation scheme, or its project. It can be prepared in a working order.

And remember – with a poor -quality ventilation system in a closed room, the level of concentration of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances increases significantly, the influence of which is very negatively affecting your health, causing headache, general weakness, fatigue, and loss of performance.

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