Is it possible to buy real estate abroad using a mortgage

Many investors would like to purchase real estate abroad. But what to do if there was not enough funds to buy the object you like? You can use a mortgage loan, especially since in some states this is even easier than in our country. In Bulgaria, for example, it is quite difficult to get a loan, but the country has an installment system in the country, in which the initial contribution is about 10%, then within 9 months it will be necessary to pay 30% of the cost of housing, and the remaining 60% can be paid within 5- 10 years. If you need a modern signaling tape. Only there you will find the best signaling ribbons at reasonable prices. In Turkey, there is another mortgage program for non -residents. It applies only to those objects (sections and houses built no more than 20 years ago), which are located in the city line of Istanbul, Antalya, Alania, Fethiye, Kushadasy, Bodrum, etc. D. At the same time, a non -resident can take a mortgage loan of 60% of the value of real estate. The term will be quite long-5-20 years, with a fixed percentage rate (it is 7.8-8.4% per year, depending on the selected currency). In Cyprus, non-residents also give a loan in the amount of 60-70% of the cost of the house or site, for a period of 15 years with a fairly low rate of 5.5-7% per annum. In France, non -residents are more likely to give a loan for the acquisition of real estate under construction. The size of the loan is 70% of the value of the object, the loan term is 20-25 years, and as for the interest rates, they can be fixed or floating. It is more difficult to get a mortgage loan, for example, in Germany. There, non -residents give out loans only if they constantly live, work (or already conduct their business) on the territory of the EU. In addition, a foreigner from the point of view of German legislation should already have real estate in the country, which may be collateral. There are restrictions on Greece, where the guarantor of the borrower should be a citizen of this state. Rarely and not on the most favorable conditions give mortgage loans to foreigners in Italy, and it is almost impossible to get such a loan in Egypt. In any case, the borrower will have to present a certain package of documents. In addition to the current passport, you often also need to get an individual code that local tax authorities assign.

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