Which is included in the duties of realtor

When stabilizing the real estate market, certain problems arose, since there were a large number of apartments, and buyers, on the contrary, decreased. And often there are difficulties with the selection of housing. Unfortunately, the realtors of the initial stage for such work were completely not prepared. It was necessary to engage in a long and painstaking search to find exactly what a person who buys real estate ordered.

Thus, certain complaints began to appear on the realtors from customers. Because, as the rules, any customer seeks to save, and often reading the contract and seeing the “Legal services” item, he thinks that they want to force him to pay a large amount for what is not known for what. Of course, the realtor can delete such a line, and here the problem arises before the customer: to independently find a lawyer who will competently draw up a deal. And often you have to pay much more for such services.

The composition of the real estate service.

The real estate service, as a rule, includes a whole range of services provided, which includes real estate work and legal services. And in the event that the contractor is only one, this work will still need to be done. Consider the work of the realtor. Firstly, to satisfy all the wishes of the customer, the realtor must do the work, both as an object and with the customer himself. For the client, first of all, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the proposed object are important. Naturally, the qualitative characteristics mean the coincidence of the operational characteristics of the proposed real estate with the fact that the customer wants. And quantitative – this is a favorable price and accurate terms of when you can settle in a new apartment.

And, of course, this part of the work includes safety, that is, the purity of real estate is checked from the legal side. Despite the fact that the word “legal” is found, this part of the work is performed by the realtor. As a result of the work of the realtor, the process of eviction or settlement of the customer into the housing proposed to him takes place. And this process is considered completed exactly when a person receives a certificate of ownership.

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