What is a communal apartment in the English city

The low density of the population of new cities is generally possible in England only because the land is purchased for them in agricultural zones, where prices for it are much lower than in cities. From the officially published financial reports for March 31, 1953. It can be seen that the cost of land, assigned to 1 house (at a density of 12 houses per 1 acre), amounted to a little more than 2% of the entire construction value of the house in Bracknel, no more than 4% in Corby, in the Hetfield 2%.

Communal improvement of English new cities is generally at a fairly high level. Sources of water supply are sought partially new, existing, which are already used, are partially used; The same should be said about the sewage treatment plants to which the main collectors of the new cities are summarized. The sewage system is built separately. Gas and electric networks are attached to the relevant district systems. Apparently, delays occur only in the telephones of cities carried out by the Ministry of Communications.

As can be seen from the reporting data, insignificant funds are allocated for landscaping, which are mainly used to maintain and improve the existing grass cover and the device of small decorative flower beds in local centers of microdistricts. It is extremely difficult to determine the specific gravity of the value of improvement in the total cost of cities, since many capital costs of improvement relate to measures intended for servicing the whole city, and not just its cash of the already rebuilt part; In addition, the latest reports do not make it possible to differentiate the capital costs of improvement of cities.

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