Mexicans prefer to buy real estate America

According to many studies, most tourists are trying to buy real estate in the United States of America. Unlike France or even Germany, here the prices of apartments and houses are much lower. According to world experts, it is an acceptable pricing policy that attracts foreign investors. In search of a better life, many of them go to work in America. Therefore, in advance they try to draw up the necessary documents for housing.

If in 2009, American realtors concluded about five hundred transactions with a total cost of sixty -six billion dollars, then in 2010 this amount increased to eighty -two billion. This year, specific calculations have not yet been done. However, according to approximate forecasts of realtors, the amount of transactions concluded may exceed one billion dollars.

Buyers are more popular by real estate in Florida. This is easily explained by a high standard of living. In addition to social benefits, Florida is the state of America, where there are many cultural, entertainment and political centers. Tennesses, Illinois (it is often called the staff of scientists), Texas and California are no less popular. The most interesting thing is that each representative of a particular race already has a specific idea of ​​the place of residence. For example, if it comes to Mexicans, this people prefer to acquire real estate in the west of the country. Cubans – in the south of the USA.

In the choice of residential buildings, foreigners are helped by employees of real estate firms. In the United States – more than enough. Often, potential customers have to study Internet news. In America, there are many mortgage programs that instantly interest immigrants from eastern states. The terms of such programs are largely determined by the status of immigrants.

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