What is the contract of sale

Today, many people want to sell their apartment. But the execution of the necessary agreement for these purposes is a rather complicated and long process. This is due to a number of reasons. It is most reasonable to provide this work for these specialists, but also does not bother and independently understand this procedure. First of all, before issuing a purchase and sale of the apartment, it is necessary to collect the entire package of documents. Of course, the seller’s apartment has more work in this process. After all, it is from him that a fairly large number of different certificates and extracts are required. As soon as all the documentation is prepared, you can start the process of registration of the contract of sale of the apartment. As a rule, it consists in the presence of a notary and has written confirmation. It is worth carefully monitor that the passport data of both parties, the cost of the apartment, the parameters of the purchased premises, as well as the list of all persons who live on this living area are indicated among all the points presented in the contract. It is very important that among the people registered in the apartment there are no children of minor age. Since they need to be discharged for a fairly long period and compliance with all the necessary rules. It is worth noting that in case of incorrect discharge of children, the transaction, by decision of special bodies, may be completely canceled. Well, buy a faucet for a sink in the bathroom you can visit the SHOP website. Vitra-Russia. ru. Only there there are high -quality faucets under the sink at a reasonable price. To proceed to the execution of the transaction in the Fed, it is necessary to provide three copies of the signed document of the sale and sale. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a statement that confirms the state registration of rights to the housing facility and transactions with them. The form of such a document can be found on specialized pages of the Internet. Also in the Fed, BTI and title documents for the sold apartment should be provided. Among other things, copies of the financial-subject account may be needed, an act of receiving an apartment, consent to buy from both spouses, as well as an extract from the house book. The transaction will be considered finally executed only after the state duty has been entered and a certificate of state registration of rights to own the purchased premises has been received. As a rule, such a decision is made within one month.

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