The conditions for the design of a mortgage in the city of Moscow: what to take into account

To date, most Russians have a “mortgage” associate with affordable housing. More and more analysts and brokers do not get tired of saying about growth on a mortgage. But, unfortunately, as experts note, not everyone can afford to take a mortgage loan. Let’s try to figure out why such a contradictory situation has developed on the Russian market, and for what reasons more and more banks refuse to issue a mortgage loan. Banks refuse to issue a mortgage loan for the following reasons:

1) the client is not able to confirm his income. The bank is very important that their client is able to work, have constant earnings and is able to pay monthly loan payments. Some banks accept not only a certificate of 2-NDFL form, but also a certificate filled in free form, the advantage of such a certificate is that it does not have to indicate unofficial earnings in it. Unfortunately, it will be quite difficult to verify the reliability of such information, therefore, most likely you will be answered with a refusal.

2) an attempt to fake documents. For example, if you provide the same certificate of 2-NDFL forms with unconfirmed data, this will lead not only to a refusal in this bank, and you will also be brought to the black list and is unlikely, any other bank will issue a loan to you.

3) bad credit history. For example, if the client used to have delays in payments, even if not large, it is also a reason for refusal.

4) the absence or availability of overdue or spoiled general documents.

5) criminal past. Surely the bank will refuse the client who has a criminal record. Especially if the crime was economic.

6) frequent change of place of work and sharp career growth, for example, from the post of ordinary manager to the chair of the company’s head – the bank will be suspicious. That is why all bank employees without fail check the employer by phone, or visiting the organization itself.

7) If you do not have a higher education, you will also not add a chance to get a mortgage.

Good health. It is very important that the client has excellent health. If the client has any chronic diseases, then he will be responded with a refusal.

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