Myths and reality about Townhai: what you need to know

To date, the number of city residents living in the Taunhaus is growing every day, becoming a mass of phenomenon not only in the West, but also in Russia. However, despite the growing popularity of living in sectional cottages, there are still people who want to buy a “city house”, but are afraid to make such a decision for a number of reasons.

In this article, we decided to touch on the theme of myths about Townhaus, representing them in a rather gloomy and disadvantageous light.

Myth one: High cost

Cracking prices for Townhai Kaluga, Kiev highway – pure fantasy. The cost of Townhouse in the Near Moscow Region is equated with the average cost of a three -room apartment in the sleeping area. Although in some cases (promotions, special offers) you can get a significant discount that will make the “city house” even more affordable. In addition, you should not forget that when buying a Townhouse, you pay only for part of its real value, since the payment of communications and infrastructure occurs “in a fold”.

Myth second: noisy neighbors

Buying a country house, we wish to enjoy the feeling of calm and comfort of the sole residence. Noisy neighbors, constant screams from the walls-all this can seriously affect the quality of residence. What if our neighbors will be frivolous? In this case, you can not worry, since the acquisition of a Townhouse is not a cheap pleasure, and therefore you are unlikely to have to share your new dwelling with whispering alcoholics or senile old men who live in city houses since their foundation.

Myth third: Danger

Buy housing far from the city scary. What if a critical situation arises, whom then to call for help, the police and the clinic is far away? On the contrary, living in a city apartment is more dangerous, since the work of emergency services of the city is constrained by “traffic jams”, and the number of people who wish is several times higher. By the way, all cottage villages are built in places with developed infrastructure and equipped with excellent asphalt roads. In addition, in most housing complexes there are services for round -the -clock protection of the territory, therefore, unlike the city, you can safely walk here in the evening and not even close the doors to the apartment.

Why are the towhouses give rise to so many gossip and unreasonable myths? The answer to this question is commonplace. It’s all about the novelty. Like any new trendy, suburban cottages are of great interest from others, and, as you know, interest is gossip. That is why before making a decision on a particular issue, consult a specialist, only a professional will be able to give you really reliable information and save you from unnecessary fears and false doubts.

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