How to order turnkey repair: what to take into account

Connoisseurs claim that if you calculate the expenses for the upcoming repair, multiply this amount by 3 – you will receive the final numbers. If you have no desire to mess with calculations, transfer repairs to one of the many companies. Most experts say that the final cost of the repair of the apartment is on a turnkey can only after its completion.

There are many ways to improve your housing. You can carry out repairs yourself, combining your work with the difficulty of hired specialists. You can resort to the services of small brigades or large firms. In the first and second case, the price of the repair will differ significantly. The cost of repair also depends on the age of the house, on its type. In old houses, a square meter of repair will cost more. A repaired apartment in a house with reinforced concrete ceilings will cost cheaper. The price is affected by the time of the year, since the demand for the services of builders depends on it.

Take for example a two -room apartment with an area of ​​50 square meters. m. In a house with reinforced concrete ceilings. It needs to be repaired: align all surfaces, lay a laminate, stick wallpaper, put tiles.

Let’s start the calculation. Experts will take $ 73 for the wallpaper sticker.

Experts advise not saving on laying tiles and installing plumbing. The remaining types of repair can be mastered independently. Thus, you will reduce costs by 30%, but it will take you a lot of time. You can’t do without professionals to put the bathroom. The preparation of walls will cost about 150 at. e., Tile laying – $ 290. The next expense item is draft and finishing materials. They will have to spend approximately $ 250 per square meter. m. Total you will spend approximately 7500 – 12500 at. e.

If the client is able to pay, but does not have time for repairs, then its services are different companies that offer turnkey repair, which implies the performance of all work – from beginning to end. On average, a meter of a repaired apartment you will pay $ 150-350. plus the same price for building materials. Less than $ 250. No company will take for a square for a square. For this money, you can get a full repairs, including the replacement of windows, doors, communications, plumbing, electrical work. Trusting repairs to companies, you will spend from 7500 – 17500 at. e. for work, plus the same amount for the purchase of materials and equipment. So, it turns out to make repairs in 50 square meters. m. turnkey, you need to pay 15-35 thousand. Doll.

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