How to build a house in the style of “old England”

Decisiveness and perseverance greatly helped Martin Booker overcome his numerous difficulties on the path to realizing his long -standing dream of a personal country house in the English style, which he had already imagined in the smallest details.

Its structure on the land plot is located in such a way that one wall of the house goes on the main road, adding hay – towards the access path. And this is what allows you to show passers -by all the beauty of his new English house.

Martin has repeatedly said about himself that he was a “child of the estate, which is not afraid of any black work,” and lived enough in the state house. After marriage, his desire to build his own country house in the English style finally took over him.

Somehow by chance, one of his friends spoke about the land plot running in the end, which the elderly hostess tried to sell at a very reasonable cost. This plot was put up for sale for the entire 18 months and apparently waited for Martin, who, in addition to a great desire to buy his land, was by that time and money, accumulated thanks to the successful promotion of the installation of modern and very high -quality windows. By that time, several friends of Martin had already built themselves at home and the English style, but they used traditional masonry, and at first he also thought about such a house until he caught a brochure about wooden frame buildings.

Martin really liked the design of houses made in the English style. And his young wife completely shared his opinion about the design of their future home.

Open beams in the interior, and the racks in the house they saw at the exhibition in Bedfordshire, which the couple once visited, finally convinced them that the dwelling with a wooden frame of the second floor would have. It was then, at the exhibition, they had the idea to make the second floor of a stone house of a wooden frame structure. At the same time, they wanted the future their family nest, surrounded by an old garden, resemble an English suburban estate.

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