Features of the castle of the Detain: the history of the creation of architecture

70 km from Prague in the north-east direction you can find a castle for a detentice located near the village of Czech paradise, which is located in the reserve of the same name. The detentice, standing on the outskirts of the reserve, belongs to the monuments of architecture of state significance.

The beginning of the development of this area is dated XI in., when the first defensive structures were erected at the site of the future fortress.

Today, the Dethenica is more likely not a castle, but a luxurious palace around which the exquisite English park is broken.

The emergence of the castle, like its name, says one ancient legend. It is said that once in the surrounding forests, during the hunt, Prince Ulrich discovered children left by his parents. Having shown the breadth of the princely heart, Ulrich took the children to his education, and at the place where he found children, indicated to build a village, which was subsequently rebuilt into the fortress. The name of the fortress – Dethenica – translates from the Czech language as “children”.

In the XIII century. At this place, a Gothic fortress was erected, which was built by representatives of one of the ancient Czech clan knights. After the change of numerous owners, the Detain was given the property of the noble dynasties. For hundreds of years, the fortress belonged to the Krzhinetsky family, which reconstructed the castle by fulfilling it in the Renaissance style. Under the leadership of one of this noble family, a large tower was erected in the castle territory, which was later associated with a terrible legend.

The belief that the dungeons of the tower store the treasures of the Krzhinetsky dynasty, which were hidden by one of the representatives of the glorious family upon flight to Saxony.

The next owners of the detentice were Waldstein – representatives of the Czech nobility. For more than a hundred years, the most famous and richest noble clan ruled the castle. However, at the beginning of the XVIII in. The fortress go to the property of Count Yana Klam-Gallas, who bought a castle by Waldstein.

For the reconstruction, Klam-Gallas invited the architect Zakharyash Figert, who fulfilled the baroque palace, it is precisely such a child can be seen today.

During the Austrian revolution in the XIX in. Chairman of the Council of Ministers under the Habsburgs – Baron Wisserberg – saved his life in the Dethenica. Being the master of the castle, Wisserberg reconstructed the palace, fulfilling it in the style of late classicism. After the death of the son of Baron Wisserberg, the Detenitsa went into property to the Order of the Knights of Malta. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Maltese Order sells the Palace of Magnatu-Jewish, after which the old estate was lost on the exchange.

In 1927. The Palace of the Detenitsa is acquired by an engineer Rzhegag, who restored the castle, restoring its Renaissance appearance. It was Rzhegag that opened part of the castle for visitors, making it a public museum.

After the end of World War II, the castle was nationalized and turned into a children’s school for girls, where they taught gardening. Nowadays, guests of the castle, passing along the paths of the English park, among the greenery and bright colors of flowering plants enjoy the view of the building of the fortress, made in the baroque style of red stone.

In addition, on the territory of the Detaina there is a colonnade gallery called a portico, in the lower tier of the structure (under the portico) today a wonderful restaurant is located. The English park, the age of some plants reaches 400 years, is decorated with statues in the style of classicism, as well as fountains and images of a nymph and a centaur located in fountains.

During the tour, guests of the palace will be able to not only inspect the interiors, but also visit the tavern in which it is worth trying to eat food from the medieval furnace. Visitors to the tavern are completely immersed in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages: they eat at the table with their hands, the wine is served in massive cups, and the walls of the halls are lit by torches. The floor in the tavern is lined with straw, and at long tables they sit on wooden shops, the interior decoration is the skins killed during the hunt of wild animals.

The guests of the tavern are entertained by playing the musical instruments of the Middle Ages of the era. In addition, guests are entertained by actors playing the roles of commoners and aristocrats of the Middle Ages: in the tavern you can find both a knight in armor and a girl of easy behavior. Guests will be able to visit the old brewery and take a fate in the tasting of local beer.

Having visited the castle to the Dethenica, tourists will be able to get acquainted not only by the history of the development of the fortress, surrounding settlements, but also to open new chapters in Czech history.

In addition, guests are waiting for a fascinating acquaintance with the lifestyle of the Czech aristocracy, visitors will be able to find out about what the owners of the castle lived, how they dressed, what lifestyle led, what they believed and how fun they had fun.

How to get to the castle of the Dethenica from Prague?

Probably the best option to get to the Dethenica is a bus. Since there is no direct message between cities, this option is more interesting because there is only one transplant. From Prague, from the bus station of the Black Bridge (ustoms), a bus with a transplant in g drives daily. Mladá Boleslav (Mladá Boleslav). Travel time for about 2 hours.

There is another version of the route with one transplant – this is from the main railway station of Prague to get to g. Mladá Boleslav (Mladá Boleslav). Here you take a walk or use public transport or take a taxi and get to the bus station, where you will need to buy a ticket to the Dethenica.

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