Features of suburban elite real estate

To date, the most attractive area of ​​the suburban real estate market remains Novorizhskoye Shosse. Such a success of this particular direction, first of all, is connected by a comfortable habitat and transport accessibility. Over the past few years, the cost of one square meter in New Riga has increased by about 25%.

Also, this region is the owner of the largest potential in the segment of the luxury real estate market.

Most experts include the advantages of this direction. A good environmental situation in the track, and call it one of the most environmentally friendly places in the Moscow Region.

Currently, according to experts, the elite segment in the nearest suburbs (about 30 km) includes 15% of cottage villages, and about 60% of such villages include a business class segment of 40 km.

Also, the elite one includes a complex with an unusual landscape, and also small towns with developed infrastructure and the Pavlovo area, which boasts an entertainment complex with modern supermarkets, bars, cafes, fitness – a club, as well as a modern school – gymnasium – gymnasium.

According to experts in the field of elite suburban housing of the Moscow Region, a prestigious, but at the same time “overheated” market segment will remain the “golden mile” and Rublevo-Uspensky highway. The cost of housing in these areas remains at the same level, and there are no sharp take -offs or falls. This is primarily due to the fact that not everyone can afford such a suburban housing, and with poor transport accessibility. And, according to experts, interest in Rublevo – Uspensky and located in the neighborhood of the Ilyinsky highway gradually begins to weaken.

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