A proposal was received to increase land tax

Improving a three -time land tax – the Krasnoyarsk administration to the deputy corps turned with such an offer, as the Department of Economics informed on October 22. The draft decision on new land tax rates have already been submitted for discussion of the City Council. The justification for such measures is quite simple – the bets have not been reviewed since 2006.

According to the decision project, the rate of cadastral value of the land will increase from 0.1 % to 0.3 %. Owners of boxes, garages using premises for entrepreneurial activity will have to pay more for land tax, the rate will increase to 1.5%.

About 24 thousand citizens of land plots will soon have to pay at new rates. For beneficiaries, and there are about 40%in the city, the land tax rate will increase 1.5 times. The category of beneficiaries includes not only people with disabilities (I and II group), veterans of the Great Patriotic War, hostilities, heroes of Russia, the USSR, but also all pensioners, large families, Chernobyls.

The press service justifies such an increase in tax by the fact that the rates have not been reviewed since 2006, and in 2013 the state cadastral value of the land was full. Owners of country, gardening, horticultural plots since 2015 will also have to pay at a new rate. The average amount of payments will be 60-1200 rubles per hectare.

It is worth noting that for the first time in 2004, the state -owned value of the cadastral value of the lands of garden, country, horticultural associations in the Vologda region has not been reviewed and remained unchanged for these 9 years.

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