Additional real estate rental costs

Unfortunately, today in Russia there is no certain way to verify the creditworthiness and credit history of the potential tenant. Naturally, the owner of the apartment will demand to provide a passport with the future tenant, but this is not enough to make sure that he is a payment. The only confirmation will be information about the place of work of the tenant, including the name of the company, the contact phone number, as well as the name of the head and his phone.

As a rule, in Moscow, a lease agreement is drawn up for a period of year and more. Most of the tenants seek to find an apartment for a long time, more precisely, for the entire term of stay in Moscow, so most of them come to work on a contract or for the purpose of a diplomatic mission. Basically, such contracts are concluded for 2 to 3 years, and not everyone has the opportunity to move several times during this time. Well, if for any circumstances the tenant interrupts the contract, he must warn the owner of the apartment in advance. When signing the contract, the terms of such a warning are also stipulated.

If the tenant grossly violates the condition of the contract (for example, does not make during payment for the apartment), the owner of the apartment has every right to terminate the contract with him. This is perhaps the only case for which the owner of the apartment may interrupt the validity of the contract. In other cases, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation protects the rights of the tenant.

It happens that the tenant can offer at first a large prepayment. Although many companies insist on transferring bank transfer in currency or rubles, such payments are often made in cash.

Warranty deposit – is one of the main condition for the lease agreement, which is usually left by the tenant as insurance for the owner of the apartment in case the payment of payment or damage is caused. If there was no damage, the deposit is often used as payment for the last months of rent.

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Additional real estate rental costs

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