Features of small apartments: what to look for when choosing

Very often, it happens that a serial project is not fully suitable for all households living in the apartment. He does not meet their needs, kind of activity, age or spirit of residents. I also want to note that colored baths are very suitable for small apartments.

Of course, combining all the necessary conditions for comfort and convenience for a particular person is much easier in a personal apartment. But, unfortunately, such a pleasure as buying an individual apartment is far from affected by everyone.

Most of our compatriots live in serial typical houses, with typical layouts of apartments. For example, in Khrushchevs.

A tiny kitchener, cell rooms, a cramped bathroom, low ceilings ..

But even such housing that seems completely unpromising for innovation and any redevelopment, it is quite possible to change! It can be easily and simply made comfortable, functional and modern. It is important to know which ways and approaches to use in each individual case, based on the preferences of all households living under one roof, or rather the ceiling of the apartment.

It must be remembered that a small apartment does not mean bad or uncomfortable housing at all. Even a very large area may seem cramped and uncomfortable if the space in it is organized incorrectly – they will be forced by completely unnecessary things, they will be littered with rubbish.

And, on the contrary, in a small, seemingly space, you can make a layout that will arrange, and delight all its residents and, each individually, fit.

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