The advantages of Townhouse in front of urban housing: what to take into account

The word “Townhouse” came from the English language, which in the literal translation means a house in a small town. The first Townhai appeared around the 19th century in the UK. English aristocrats lived in them.

Townhaus in the 21st century is a small house that is designed to live the middle layers of the population, the incomes of which do not allow them to purchase a house in the suburbs. Townhaus is something intermediate between the house and the apartment. There are town houses that are designed to live two families (“Duplex”) and Townhouse, consisting of two buildings that are interconnected (“Semidetach”). The height does not exceed 2-3 floors. The first floor is a garage, a kitchen-studio, a hall with a large fireplace, as well as utility rooms (shield, boiler room and so on). On the upper floors there are bedrooms, cabinets. In many Townhaus projects, the attic is also included, which are designed for billiard rooms, cabinet, rest rooms. Each floor has its own bathroom.

Taunhauses are popular among Europeans, as well as an American because of their efficiency. Townhouse are located in small cottage villages, which are under guard around the clock and have their own infrastructure.

The advantage of Townhouse over a city apartment:

Thoughtful, logically constructed layout of Townhaus.

The total area of ​​the Townhouse premises is significantly larger than the apartment in the multi -storey building, which is located in the city.

A combination of country life, with all its advantages (fresh air, forest zone, and so on), with urban comfort (communications, infrastructure, Internet, telephone communication).

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