How cottage construction develops: features

Cottage construction in recent decades is gaining a large scope. This is mainly connected with the desire of people to move away from the bustle of the city and find themselves in a more environmentally friendly environment. Most people who are not satisfied with urban noise and vanity seek to build or purchase a ready -made cottage or a country house,

Most Internet portals offer services for the purchase and search for the desired housing in the suburban zone. It is not always possible to get truthful information. After checking the information, it turns out that the cottage is not in such good condition as described or is away from these highways, a kind of kilometers 20 – 30 kilometers. Therefore, it is better to use the site providing truthful information. To buy a house in the suburbs, you can consider many advertising offers, but you need to remember that all offers can be reduced to the following:

Houses are offered in already inhabited cottage villages

Proposals for under construction villages at a large distance or far from the tracks;

They offer a house in old villages with a developed infrastructure, but the house necessarily requires repair;

Among the main proposals, it should be borne in mind that the bulk of the houses are in the settled towns. You can distinguish several of the most proposed in recent years:

Sherwood forest;





These are the most popular villages in recent years, which have entered the top in demand. Almost all of them are located near the main highway, with developed infrastructure.

Most cottages offered to customers are sold at fairly high prices. To buy a house in the suburbs, you can use other criteria inexpensively. Cheap houses and cottages are located in areas remote from the tracks, or near the stop of electric trains. Budget houses are located in the areas of former summer cottages, they are not protected, with undeveloped infrastructure. Most villages do not have a main gas pipeline, heating with solid fuel. Perhaps the lack of a stationary phone. However, it should be noted that the new buildings offer budget cottages, but they have all the necessary communications and infrastructure. But they are located away from the highways. Often there is no good road or it is only built. In the future, everything will take the desired look.

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